Scale Your Music Business
Delivery & Distribution
Per month
Reporting & Analytics
Per month
Rights, Royalties & Payments
Per month
Full API (All Plans)
Per month
How can I use Revelator's API?
You can integrate our APIs to automate distribution and delivery of music to over 100 stores (DSPs), access real-time analytics, streamline royalty reporting, and process payments efficiently. Whether you're building a music platform, financial dashboard, distribution service, or something else unique, our APIs help you scale and optimize your operations.
Who can use the Revelator API?
The Revelator API is designed for music businesses, developers, and partners who need to integrate music data, royalty reporting, distribution services, or analytics into their applications or workflows.
Can I test the API before using it in production
Yes, you can test the API in a production environment using a dedicated sandbox account.
Where can I find API documentation?